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data journal part 9

National Arts Index Report Journal Entry

1. Indicators of total charitable donations and overall employment: This helps explain the health of the art sector. This is because the two economic powers were related to the national art index. The environment in which charitable donations increase is good for art health.

2. Indicators of financial change in art non-profit organizations: The financial difficulties of art non-profit organizations are closely linked to art health. It is important to understand the situation by analyzing the proportion of art organizations operating in deficit management.
3. Art and culture are losing the market share of charity: charity to other charity sectors such as human service and health. It is noteworthy that this decline began long before the current economic downturn.
4. Indicators of the government's struggle for art funding: Indicators of how many organizations are working toward art funding can also have an important impact on art health. These struggles can have a positive effect on art revival.
5. Indicators of the impact of technology on audience participation and art delivery models: Indicators of how much technology introduction to art affects art health and vitality are necessary information. This is because it is possible to devise a way to how future art businesses can develop.


Deep data analysis
In this report, the financial change data of non-profit organizations are shown through a revenue graph for non-profit organizations in art and culture. This graph is represented using the total revenue of non-profit organizations, CPI, and continuous dollar art non-profit revenue. However, given data indicators simply represent financial indicators of all organizations measured every year. I think more detailed information is needed. For example, data invested by the government or other organizations are needed. In addition, the correlation can be identified by comparing all financial data invested for art by non-profit organizations.



6th data indicator

I think we need additional data indicators on profitability compared to investment by art organizations. This indicator can be an indicator that increases the likelihood of receiving investment smoothly in the future. It can give you the justification to receive investment, which can create a way to improve art health and vitality. Profitability requires collecting each of the arts fields. This is to determine which areas have reached more profitability.

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