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Data journal part 5

Working with Data Journal Entry

For this assignment, I focused to know whether artistic interests according to gender and age are based on art education through data. The data were based on Arts Basic Survey, United States, and 2020.


The first data is data on whether you have been engaged in art activities over the past 12 months according to age. From the age of 18 to 44, it is more focused on the answer that they did art activities, while from the age of 45 to 79, they are more focused on the answer that they did not do art activities.

data set 1


People are showing an active attitude toward artistic movements at a relatively younger age.

data set 2


It is a data combination on whether or not you have taken art-related classes over the past year according to gender and age. As a result, only a small number of people took art-related classes, especially very few men answered yes.

Graphs of all ages are shown similarly like this. Both men and women have very low interest and participation in art education regardless of age.

data set 3


This dataset is about the presence or absence of art activities according to age and gender. Overall, the proportion of people who answered yes is very small. Although there is no significant difference in the ratio of data on art education, it accounts for a relatively large proportion. However, among them, it can be seen that there are no restrictions on art activities just because they have not received art education. 

​The rate of artistic activity was relatively higher for women than for men, and the younger generation was found to be more active.


Final Thought

It can be said that the degree of participation and interest in art education affects even artistic activities. Of course, not being educated does not mean that there are restrictions on artistic activities. However, many people do not have interest in art education, and these results may affect art activities. It will be an important task to open the field of education to more people and provide various and interesting arts education to build an extension to art activities in the future.

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